Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Snack

Last year my son had a Halloween party for preschool that included a pot luck lunch.  I brought a cheese, cracker and summer sausage tray to share.  Since I had a mini pumpkin cutter I decided to make the platter a little more festive by cutting the cheese into pumpkin shapes.  They were a hit with the kids.  And don't worry, none of the cheese scraps when to waste.  My kiddos where happy to snack on them that night.

What do you do to make Halloween fun at your house?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Zoo Keeper Costume

My daughter decided she wanted to be a zoo keeper for Halloween this year.  I think it such a unique and creative idea--and I have to say I was relieved that she decided to break her three year trend of being Super Girl!

This girl loves learning about wild animals and even created her own little wild animal pocket book to go along with her costume.  She had so much fun researching different animals, picked two for each letter of the alphabet, and included them in her book along with a photo and interesting fact.

This costume was super simple to put together.  I found a plain brown shirt and put a "zoo keeper" patch on it (she added a long sleeve black shirt underneath because it was cold).   The hat I happened to find at Hobby-Lobby and the pants she already owned.  Since the costume was so simple (and a little plain) I let her pick out a snake to add something fun.  

 She loves her new stuffed snake and it's no secret that her brothers are jealous. 

This girl is ready for an adventure (and Halloween)!

What are your kids being for Halloween this year?

Friday, October 25, 2013

Simple Super Hero Costumes

Super heroes are a popular choice for Halloween at our house.  Last year my two oldest decided to be Super Man and Super Girl.  This year my five year old picked Batman so I couldn't help but have my almost-two-year-old be Robin.

I kind of have a little competition with myself when creating Halloween costumes for my kids.  How simple can I make them, how inexpensive can I create them for, and how much of it can I reuse after Halloween is over.  I think this Batman costume is a winner!

Here's the break down:
Plain black pants and shirt (can be worn as regular clothes after Halloween) - Target
Black cape  - Dollar Tree (only $1 of course)
Batman belt - made free from leftover scraps
Batman mask - ($3.54)

While this costume looks simple my son was very specific about how he wanted it.  He wanted to be a modern all-black batman.  He didn't want a logo on his shirt and he let me know exactly how he wanted the belt made.  This is a boy who know's what he wants.  I think his costume turned out perfect!

My busy little two-year-old makes a great side kick.  He wants to be just like his big brother and is constantly copying everything my five year old does.  Usually he loves to get his picture taken but this time he was not in the mood.  I made him a cute little yellow and red reversible cape but he wanted nothing to do with it.  Sniff :(  I'm just happy that I got him to wear the belt--even if it was only for a few minutes.  The cape and belt were both free since I made them from my scrap pile.  I bought a plain red shirt from Target and added the Robin logo and stripes using Wonder Under.  The green pants were my biggest challenge.  I looked everywhere for green pants!  I was about to break down and make some and then I checked JC Penny.  They had three different styles of green pants!  Of course!  I think he makes one cute Robin--even without his cape :)

And here's my super duo!  Not the best picture but the only one I got of them together.

Interested in making a super cape for your child's Halloween costume?
Be sure to check out my free templates here and here!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Traveling solo with your kids

I recently drove with my 4 boys (ages 8 and under) clear across the country--from North Carolina to Las Vegas, Nevada.  Crazy?  Maybe.  But here's the really crazy part: I did it without my husband (or any other adult for that matter).  I also did it without the aide of any electronic devices.  That's right--no dvds, no ipads, no video games.  Honestly, I had a bin of all that kind of stuff but my boys were doing so well without it that I never pulled it out.  And I just knew it would cause all sorts of fighting over which device they got that I just avoided it altogether.  

So on the off chance that I ever attempt this again I thought I would record what worked--and share it with you too!  (You should know that I was in no rush--we didn't have a set number of hours we had to drive so we woke up when we woke up and we drove until dinner time.)

First off, I had everything that I might need while driving easily accessible.  For me that meant snacks (for myself and the boys), a few different activity bins and mystery bags (I'll explain more in a minute), water, and my phone.  I didn't want to have sugary filled snacks so we brought: fruit strips, cliff kidz bars, grapes, string cheese, pretzels, popcorn, and beef jerky. 

In the back I had a book bin for the boys.  It was filled with some of our favorites, a few new ones (Where's Waldo turned out to be a huge hit!), several workbooks, sticker books and notebooks for drawing.  There was also a small cooler for milk (my boys are big milk drinkers) and string cheese.   Each boy was also equipped with his own backpack full of goodies (stickers, crayons, colored pencils, colored pens, water bottle, small containers of legos, a cookie sheet for a desk, a map with our route highlighted, etc).  They also each had their own pillow and blanket.  (I don't know if I'd bring both again, but we were moving so we needed them to sleep in our empty house the night before we left.)

Every day we stopped at a park or a rest stop for lunch.  No fast food.  (We saved that for dinner.)  I had a little bin that was easy to get to full of sandwich stuff, fruit, nuts, paper towel, and a knife.  I'm really glad that I decided to do this.  Even with eating fast food for dinner we were sick of it by the end of our trip.  It was nice to eat something filling and fresh before sitting for another few hours.

We would all eat, go to the bathroom, and then the boys would run around and burn some energy.  Our lunch breaks usually lasted about an hour.  Like I said, we were in no real hurry. I also made sure that the baby's diaper was changed at this time... so diapers and wipes were always easy to get to.

One of the things that worked magically was listening to an audio book.  I found one that I thought my boys would enjoy and we listened to it for an hour or more every day.  The boys loved it.  One of the bins up by my seat was full of cds that we listened to as well.  I made sure I had some fun music in addition to some calming tunes for when the boys needed to settle down a little bit.

A wonderful tip I received before leaving was to have an overnight bag to take into the hotel.  This was a lifesaver!  Instead of sifting through all of our stuff (or lugging it all in) every night I had just a few small bags that I brought in.  They had diapers, pajamas, swim stuff and a change of clothes.  I also brought in a bag with my laptop and a few other things that I could do after the boys had fallen asleep.  Everything else stayed in the car.

Because I was on my own and my boys are still young I had a few requirements for hotels every night.  Number one: I had to feel safe.  Number two: Free breakfast.  I wasn't about to go searching for breakfast every morning or try to take the boys somewhere.  Number three: a pool.  This way we could get all our energy out at night before we headed to bed.  We were lucky enough to find places with pools every night.  And the boys were usually nice and exhausted by the time we got to bed.

I was exhausted every night as well.  However, I found that to keep my sanity I had to do something for myself every night.  I didn't want to stay up too long because I had a big day of driving awaiting me but I took about an hour to relax.  Some nights it was taking a bath with some essential oils.  Other nights it was doing some Sudoku or hopping on to Facebook.  Whatever it was I just needed to collect myself before starting again the next day.

A few other things that kept us sane.

Activity bins:  I had three shoe box size bins near me.  One was full of music and audio books.  Another was full of travel games.  We had Guess Who, Travel Bingo, War, Go Fish, Old Maid, etc.  When kids got bored I could pull out a game (and hope that someone wanted to play with them!).  My last bin was full of craft things.  We had pipe cleaners, glue stick, pads of construction paper, crayons, washi tape, stickers, etc in this bin.  I put it together at the last minute and wasn't sure how it was going to go over.  But on one of our last days in the car we pulled it out.  It was a huge hit!  I was amazed at the things they came up with to craft.  They didn't need direction they just used their imagination!  This is definitely a must-have for future road trips.

Mystery Bags:

I gathered several brown paper sacks and put different surprises in them.  Whenever I felt that the boys were getting antsy or needed a distraction we would pull one out.  Sometimes it was something to look forward to.  I would tell them, "In one hour we will pull out a mystery bag!"  It kept them happy and it was a much shorter milestone to look forward to than lunch or dinner.   

Our mystery bags included:

mustaches (these provided way more entertainment than I imagined they would!)
magnifying glasses (one for each boy from the dollar store)
small puzzles (from the dollar spot at Target... and each boy had a small cookie sheet as a desk so they were able to do the puzzle on their lap)
post-its (again, a much bigger hit than I imagined!) 
wikki stix (we have never had them so it was a really exciting thing!)
mini footballs
lacing cards

Another fun find was a book about the 50 states.  Because our road trip covered several states it was fun to read about each one as we passed through.

My two oldest were a great help--they would help the younger ones with things that were dropped, grab milk from the cooler and pass things back and forth.

I don't want to do another 2000 mile road trip any time soon but it was actually a great experience.  Now that I've shared what worked for me I'd love to hear what has worked for your road trips!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Quiet Book Pattern Winners!

Thank you to everyone who entered my Quiet Book Patterns giveaway!  I loved reading about everyone's good news!!!  And thank you for all your kind words about my new book.  You sure know how to make a girl's day!

Congratulations to Jessica W. and Danielle L. who are the winners of a new Quiet Book Patterns book!  I'll be contacting you soon.

Didn't win?  Don't worry!  You can buy your own copy here!

Monday, October 7, 2013

My New Book + a Giveaway!

***Giveaway Closed***

Look what showed up at my house last week!

It's my new book.

It's strange to think that this whole project started over a year ago.   And now here it is!  Time has flown by. 

I have to admit when I saw the package on my door step last week I was hesitant to go outside and get it.   I knew what was in the package and I was a little nervous to open it.  After countless hours of brainstorming, drawing up templates, crafting pages, writing and editing instructions, waiting, and wondering, and worrying here it was in my hands.  MY book!  

I can still hardly believe that I've published a book.

And if you've ever thought you might like to make a quiet book I say go for it!  They are so much fun to make.  Don't feel like you have to be an expert at sewing either.  These pages require very little sewing that can all be done by hand if you don't own a machine.  These pages are so easy to make.  I've laid it all out for you: how to get started, gathering supplies, step-by-step instructions, and finishing up your book.

The book comes with this handy CD too that includes all the templates and cute clip art to make some really fun and unique pages.

It's hard to choose but this castle scene is my favorite page.  

My kids love it too.

Open up the castle doors and place the princess and knight safely inside or place the princess high in the castle tower to keep her safe from the fierce dragon.  The dragon can flyaway to his home in the (cloud pocket) sky.

This play scene is a fun platform that allows children to use their imagination and storytelling skills.

These Olympic track runners are another favorite page of mine.

Race the runners down the track by pulling them along the ribbons.  Once they reach the finish line award them with first, second, and third place metals.  Awarding the metals helps young children learn number placement.  So much fun!

And there's so much more!  Below I'm giving away two free copies to two lucky winners.  Want a copy now?  You can buy it on amazon here.  The holidays are coming up and what a fun gift this would make for your crafty friend, sister, cousin, or mother-in-law.  Don't forget to grab a copy for yourself too.  Already own a copy?  Feel free to leave a review on amazon.  I would love that!

The whole process of making this book has been an exciting and fun experience, but now I want to hear about what has happened to you lately that's been exciting or fun!  Enter the giveaway through rafflecopter and leave me a comment telling me your good news!

Good luck!