Monday, January 27, 2014

Quiet Book Games Part 1: Othello (Free Template Included)

I'm sure you all know by now that I love quiet books!  I'm excited to start a five part series this week sharing quiet book game ideas.  Each game included a free template so you can easily make your own too!  But wait, that's not the most exciting part.  Once this series is through I have a HUGE giveaway in store for you!  I can hardly wait to share it!  Be sure to check back over the next few weeks to view each post in the series and to enter the giveaway when it's all through.

My kids love playing Othello.  The rules are simple and even my three year old was able to catch on quickly. Don't know how to play?  Find instructions here.

What you'll need to make an Othello quiet book game:
1. Template (found at the end of this post)
2. A pre-cut blank quiet book page.  I always use Pellon peltex for my quiet book pages--it's sturdy and you don't have to worry about fraying edges.  I make all my quiet book pages 7 x 8.5 inches.
3. Black and white felt.
4. Fusible webbing (I use Pellon wonder under)
5. Acid free permanent marker
6. Single hole paper punch


First take your blank quiet book page and determine where you want to place the holes for binding.  Use a single hole punch and punch the holes.  Don't worry, peltex is strong and your holes won't tear or fray.  Next, download the template and print it out.  Cut out the game board and place it on your quiet book page.  Use your marker to trace around the template.

Cut out the one inch guide from the template and use it to help you draw your grid onto the page.

Place a piece of fusible web onto your black felt.  Cover with a scrap piece of cotton fabric (to protect your iron and your project) and iron to fuse webbing to the felt.  Now peel off the paper backing and place the white felt on top (or another piece of peltex), cover with cotton fabric and iron.  Now you have a piece of felt with black on one side and white on the other.  Use your template to trace 42 circles onto the white felt with a pencil--I know it's a lot!  Cut out your circles.

Now your game is all ready to play!  See how simple that was!  Don't wait for your quiet book to be completed to play though.  Take a break, call one of your kids over, and play now.  Have fun!

Be sure to check out the other posts in this series:

Part 2: Simple Puzzles
Part 3: Tic-Tac-Toe
Part 4: Memory Match

(To print templatesClick on picture below to enlarge, then right click and copy.  Open a word document, reduce your margins to zero and paste.  Expand to 100% and print.)

Like this quiet book idea?  Find more of my quiet book ideas here and in my new book Quiet Book Patterns: 25 easy-to-make activities for your children.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Custom Pendant Necklaces

Please Note: I have had numerous emails asking for the temple picture that I used for these necklaces.  If you are looking for it you can find it here.  Thanks!

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Each year I like to give the girls in  my Activity Days group at church (8-11 year old girls) a little gift for Christmas.  This year I decided to make them these temple pendant necklaces after finding the idea on Sugardoodle.

I bought the supplies from SSC Supplies on Etsy.  The chains, pendants, and stones come in bulk packages and each necklace ended up costing about one dollar total.

I used the clear stone to trace around the images I wanted and then cut them out.  I added a thin layer of mod podge to the back of the picture and then placed it in the pendant.  I then added a thin layer of mod podge to the back of the stone and placed it on top of the picture (already placed inside the pendant) pressing hard to remove any bubbles.  
Note:  I originally tried this process using clear gel tacky glue and it made the ink on my image bleed.  The mod podge method worked perfectly.

I let them dry for 24 hours and then added the chains.  I think they turned out lovely.

I made a few more using scrapbook paper too.  There are so many possibilities with these necklaces!  I think they would make a fun project for young girls or youth groups to make as well since the process is simple enough (and the price is right!).

Once completed I packaged the necklaces into some jewelry boxes (three for $1 at Dollar Tree).

 . . . And dressed up the boxes with a little washi tape.  No need to wrap!  I think they turned out cute.